Mon - Fri 14:00 - 18:00, Sat - Sun - Сlosed

The AVISA Visa Centre offers its’ services to visa

The AVISA Visa Centre offers its’ services to visa applicants who want to travel to the UK, Canada, USA. The focus of the company is to provide comprehensive support when you apply for a visa to your desired country of travel. We know very well how complicated this procedure is and that it requires professional experience and knowledge of nuances of submitting documents to the consulate. Skilled specialists at our center will advise you on issues related to the package of documents as well as help you preparing documents for obtaining the desired type of visa.

Depending on the purpose of your trip, we will advise you which type of visa to open is correct.

Services to visa applicants

Our specialists will:

  • provide examples of documents,
  • check your full package of documents and the accuracy of its’ registration,
  • translate the required documents,
  • fill out the on-line questionnaire in English,
  • schedule your appointment for finger printing and for your interview with the Embassy,
  • prepare you for the interview.

Of course, you can go through all these stages on your own.  However, our extensive experience tells us that very few people understand the complications involved in the application process and end up making significant errors.  There is a high probability that even a minor error in the documentation, registration or interview will result in a refusal to get your long-awaited visa. And unfortunately for these people, the result is a denied visa and the trip is postponed for an indefinite period.

Because we have been working for six years in the service sector related to obtaining a visa, we have detailed knowledge of the nuances of each country’s application processes.  This enables us to assess accurately the chances of the applicant to obtain a visa. Remember, getting a visa is not a trip to a restaurant where you can order a certain ready meal. To obtain a visa you need to make several detailed steps in the correct order and do each accurately.  Our professional team will provide you with comprehensive assistance in obtaining your visa. Contact us in a way that is convenient for you and get your visa to the USA, Canada or the UK.   

5 easy steps to get a visa


Please leave your request on the AVISA site or call our office.


The manager will review all necessary details and will review your situation carefully for your specific case and determine the probability of you getting a visa. Then, the manager will estimate your service fees.


You must sign an agreement with our company, and we will support you in obtaining a visa to the US, Canada or the United Kingdom. This can be done remotely by e-mail, Viber or Nova Poshta, or directly at our office, in Kiev.


You must provide all necessary documents and information our visa manager requests to our office. It can be done remotely by e-mail, Viber or New Mail if you are from another city or in person to our Kiev’ office.


We prepare your package of documents before you submit your application to the Embassy. You submit a package of documents to the Embassy either independently or through our representative.

We work with embassies around the world

Services to visa applicants | 5 easy steps to get a visa

Contact Us

Our manager will contact you to discuss the details.

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Mon - Fri 14:00 - 18:00, Sat - Sun - Сlosed