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Denied a visa to Canada, what to do? оформлення віз, фото на

Posted by Avisa:   16.12.2019

If you received an answer with a refusal from the Canadian Embassy, the main thing is not to panic. The first thing to do is to read the letter, which is always attached to a denied visa. In this letter you will be able to understand what points of your situation did not satisfy the visa officer and why you were refused.

Let's look at the most often used points that a visa officer can mention:

  • Purpose of visit - if this point was written, most likely your itinerary and plans were not fully understood by the visa officer. Perhaps the total cost of your tour did not correspond to your income, or the invitation from relatives/friends was not made correctly. If this point is raised, it may indicate suspicion of immigration intentions in the applicant.
  • Family ties in Canada and in the country of residence - this could mean that you have not provided enough good reasons to return home. You may not have provided enough information about accommodations for the duration of your trip. So again, the visa officer could suspect that there may be an intention to immigrate to Canada. 
  • Employment prospects in the country of residence - the visa officer  would like to make sure that the applicant has an on-going, paying job in the country of residence and that the prospects of obtaining a job in the event of loss of the current job are high. If you can satisfy him that you will not leave your job and stay in Canada when you travel there, you stand a good chance of getting a visa. You need to prove to him that you have been working continuously for at least 1 year, that you are paid a good salary and you have paid vacation, and you are suitable for the job you are currently working at. If this item was marked, then the embassy considered your work not promising and that working in Canada may interest you more than working in the country of residence.
  • Current employment situation – this usually indicates that you are not working and/or have not confirmed your income.
  • Personal assets and financial status -most likely, if this is indicated, you have not provided enough information about your financial status.   

These are the most often indicated points on which the Canadian Embassy refuses visas.  If you are denied a visa, you need to fully understand the reason and after eliminating it, submit your documents again along with your letter to the visa officer. Each time you apply for a visa you must pay a consular fee of $100 CAN and a fee for biometric once every 10 years of $85 CAN.

If you have received a refusal and you think that you have submitted a complete and correct package of documents, it is possible to request a detailed reason for the refusal.  This must be done on the website of the Government of Canada. This procedure takes 30-45 days and will cost additional fee to receive a document.

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