Mon - Fri 14:00 - 18:00, Sat - Sun - Сlosed

You have been thinking for a long time and have finally decided to visit the country of your dreams whether it be the United States, Great Britain or Canada.

To visit these countries, you need a visa. Visa center "AVISA" is a company with significant experience based on comprehensive and many years of support for the processing of documents for obtaining a visa. AVISA has analyzed the nuances of the application process and published interesting information related to the requirements of getting a visa to each country. Most people do not have the insight or detailed understanding and knowledge of these complicated application processes.

A page on our website provides information about what visas are, what documents are needed, how to behave and answer in the interview, and how to choose the right company. We expect that our team, with its advice and recommendations, can answer your questions and thus bring you closer to the realization of your dream. If you do not find the answer to the questions or you have more question, call and we will discuss everything!


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Mon - Fri 14:00 - 18:00, Sat - Sun - Сlosed